
Coloring Outside the Lines

Adult Coloring Book With Pencils

Dig out your box of crayons — coloring books for grownups are having a moment. I first noticed this in a TV ad for something called “Colorama.” All these happy, middle-aged women were shown curled up on the couch, scribbling away. Now, Crayola has launched their own line of coloring books, specifically targeted to those of us a few decades past our paste-eating years. The thing about these books is the intricate nature of the designs: mandalas, landscapes, psychedelics. It’s a long way from the simple clowns or puppies we colored in as kids. The tools have been upgraded, too, from the stumpy crayons we once used. Crayola’s “Color Escape” sets come with fine-tipped colored pencils and markers. There’s a reason these adult coloring books are catching on: psychologists say they can reduce stress and unleash the creativity we had as youngsters. It’s also a healthy break from digital overload. Now if they’d only come up with an adult version of the Barbie Dream House. Oh wait. The Kardashians have it.

Cindy Grogan

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of Pixabay.

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Cindy Grogan is a longtime freelance writer, having worked in a ton of different industries, writing a ton of different things. Her background in radio is a natural fit for her love of music – anything from the Beatles to Hank Williams, Sr. to Prokofiev. A rabid consumer of pop culture and politics, Cindy finds the smartass tendencies that once got her grounded now serve her well in Facebook arguments. Oh, and she also loves cats.

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