CultureSonar on the Radio: 3 Documentaries for Music Geeks
CultureSonar now has a weekly segment on the “America Weekend,” a nationally-syndicated. Here’s our first, on three great music documentaries.
Who Will Be the Face of Rock — in 300 Years?
Over time, one person gets associated with a musical genre (like John Philip Sousa for marches). So who will be the face of rock in coming centuries?
Kick-Ass Covers: From Hendrix to The Bangles
Once you’ve heard Hendrix cover Dylan, you’ll never hear it the same way again. Plus covers by The Bangles, The Beatles, and Ryan Adams.
“Restrung,” the Movie: The Pain and Pleasure of Going “All In”
What does it take to be great? Not “great” in the sense of Abe Lincoln or Michelangelo, but just great at something. Ask luthier Randall Fullmer.