5 Questions With… Vinnie DeMasi
You’d expect guitarist Vinnie DeMasi to talk your ear off with stories of Billy Joel via Broadway’s “Moving Out” but he’s more low-key than that.
Why Comedy Is Booming Again
20+ years ago, comedy went from stand-up to sitcoms and then a bust. Now we’re in another golden age. What happened?
What Happened to the Pop Duo?
Hall and Oates. Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. Sonny & Cher. Simon & Garfunkel. Pop duos used to be popular and successful. What’s changed?
Howard Jones – Things Keep Getting Better
He was one of those ’80s musicians with interesting hair. Since then, Howard Jones has changed that hair, but not his music-making philosophy.
If You Can’t Get Down, Get Up
Alice Cohen is having a genuine career as an artist in several media: from pop music near-stardom to intricate stop-motion animations.