The Explorers Club: Sunshine Pop for Right Now
The Explorers Club has a fresh take on great songs by Paul Revere, Boyce and Hart, the Zombies and other tunes that go with warmer weather!
Ken Sharp: For the Love of Power Pop
Ken Sharp has taken his passion for “power pop” into writing books and creating some fun albums. Our latest interview delves into his inspirations.
Wash Your Hands! 10 Great Songs to Scrub To
Washing our hands is critical now. But it doesn’t have to be boring. These 10 memorable choruses meet the crucial 20-seconds-plus under the tap.
The 10 Most Romantic Songs of the ’60s
Besides the wine, flowers, and chocolate, no Valentine’s Day is complete without romantic music. If you’re stumped on a playlist, our timeless picks from the ’60s are guaranteed to set the mood.
The Beach Boys’ Top 10 Albums
“Pet Sounds” is obvious ….but there are some under-the-radar picks (like “Holland”) that made our list.