
Hey, Ho. Let’s Dough!

what is punk

What’s the coolest picture book out there for a generation that grew up with The Sex Pistols, The Ramones, and The Stooges? No, it’s not Where the Wild Things Are. It’s What Is Punk, a rhyming retelling of punk rock history accompanied by Play-Doh facsimiles of Iggy Pop, Johnny Rotten, and the like. “From the borough of Queens came contenders to the throne / in blue jeans and leather, four teens called Ramones.” With all due respect to the anarchy of The Cat in the Hat, What Is Punk? is a much hipper indoctrination for the next generations of musicians ready to change the world.

We loved the book so much, we turned it into a video, with thanks to author Eric Morse and artist Anny Yi, and voice over artist John Montagna.


Video produced and edited by Matthew Carieri

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