Helen Shapiro’s “Magical” Time With the Beatles
Helen Shapiro had the pipes of Dusty or Brenda, and she was great friends with The Beatles. So why wasn’t she a bigger deal?
Ronnie Haran’s Wild Rock n’ Roll Ride
Ronnie Haran played a key role in L.A.’s rock scene, as a photographer and manager of groups like The Doors.
Remembering “Soul Man” Sam Moore
Sam Moore was one of the great voices of soul and R&B, revered by everyone from Springsteen to Isaac Hayes. A tribute.
Peggy Caserta: She Had A Piece of Janis’ Heart
Peggy Caserta was in the thick of the 60s San Francisco scene when she met Janis Joplin. Her story is a wild one.
Rock’s Greatest Hoaxes
From “Paul is dead” to a band swearing they were planning to record an album in space, rock stars have had some fun fooling fans.