The Best “Revolver” Covers
“Revolver” was a masterpiece in its own right. But it also inspired some genius takes by other artists who couldn’t resist.
When a Virtual Community Becomes a Real One
The Fab Four Master Class fostered such strong online connections that the group not only met in person, it traveled together to Liverpool and London.
“Breathe” In the Jazz…Of “Dark Side of the Moon”
Our resident musicologist, Scott Freiman, turns his attention to one of the most interesting tracks in classic rock.
John Lennon’s Missing Harmonica Found After 50 Yrs
With the recent return of Paul’s missing bass, we stumbled on this news of another amazing piece of Beatle lore…
The Single that Broke the Beatles in America
There are many reasons why “I Want to Hold Your Hand” was The Beatles’ first American smash. Dig into what makes the record irresistible.