Justin Hayward: The Days of Future Now
Justin Hayward of The Moody Blues is out on tour, enjoying the songs from his past, but with his eye on the future. Our interview.
The Man In Black Back with New Tracks
The son of Johnny Cash discovered some old demo tracks done by his late father and is sharing them with us on a new album.
Chip Taylor: One Swift Taylor
There’s another “Taylor” who made an impact on music. Chip Taylor wrote classics like “Wild Thing” and “Angel Of The Morning.”
Of Hits and Hitmen: The Gary S. Paxton Story
Gary Paxton had great “ears” when it came to producing hits. But his wild personal life was both colorful –and dangerous.
Ruthann Friedman: The Bronx Folkie
Ruthann Friedman was the furthest thing from “California,” but she captured a certain 60s vibe, writing one of the era’s most enduring hits.