
An English Major Walks Into a Bar…

Ernest Hemingway Circa 1946 (Public Domain)

The relationship between writing and drinking is well established. It’s a very mixed bag, to be sure, but there’s no doubt that writers of all kinds have enjoyed the more-than-occasional cocktail.

As it’s always a good time to tuck into a good book with a trusty beverage by your side, you can kill two proverbial fowl with Tequila Mockingbird, which brings a literary twist (do get ready for a blizzard of puns) to the art of mixology. The book features 65 very-drinkable libations, each with a punchy, hugely entertaining historical preface. (We could say these intros are wry, but that would be too easy.) Selections include:

• The Last of the Mojitos
• The Pitcher of Dorian Grey Goose
• Love in the Time of Kahlúa
• A Rum of One’s Own
• Romeo and Julep

Richly illustrated, cleverly composed and ultimately quite useful, this is indeed a Book for All Seasons.


Al Cattabiani

Photo Credit: Ernest Hemingway circa 1946 (Public Domain).


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Al is CultureSonar's founder. He has always worked in and around the arts. His companies have generally focused on music, indie/foreign film, documentaries, and holistic living. Over the years, he has released well over 1,000 titles, including many Oscar, Grammy and Emmy winners. Although playing guitar has never been his Day Job, quite rightly, he’s been gigging steadily for years — and is an avid fan.

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