A Staggeringly Good New Album from…The Monkees
The Monkees are back with a new album – “Good Times!” – to celebrate their 50th anniversary. You’ll be impressed by the songs and the contributors.
Songs for the End of the World
Wim Wenders made some pretty popular movies. “Until the End of the World” is not one of them; but its soundtrack is spectacular even so.
A Vacuum-Powered “Supermodel Spider-Woman”
Move over, Peter Parker. A daring rock climber scales a skyscraper with the power of…vacuums? Watch and see.
CultureSonar on the Radio: 3 Documentaries for Music Geeks
CultureSonar now has a weekly segment on the “America Weekend,” a nationally-syndicated. Here’s our first, on three great music documentaries.
To Be or Not To Be (Digital)
We certainly live in a digital age. But books follow the same digital trends as music thanks to Amazon and its Kindle? Maybe not.