Magical Mystery Tour: Some “Mysteries” Solved
“Magical Mystery Tour” was a rare misstep by the Beatles. But the music saved the project from becoming a total bust. Here’s how it went down.
Rubber Soul: From Zero-to-Masterpiece in 30 Days
“Rubber Soul” was a race against the clock, as The Beatles had only 30 days to write, record and mix an album — from scratch!
Take Our “Rubber Soul” Quiz!
As part of Scott Freiman’s upcoming appearance on public TV to “Deconstruct The Beatles,” a fun quiz to test your knowledge.
The Single that Broke the Beatles in America
There are many reasons why “I Want to Hold Your Hand” was The Beatles’ first American smash. Dig into what makes the record irresistible.
Making “I Me Mine”
Given the cumulative frustration George Harrison must have been feeling at the time, is it any wonder he wrote “I Me Mine” as The Beatles neared their end? Here’s how the track came to be…