Extended Guitar Solos That Deserve More Love
The phrase “guitar solo” calls to mind Zeppelin, Skynyrd, and other favorites. But there are a few others that deserve more attention.
Let Vinnie Explain: Eddie Van Halen’s Guitar Sound
No one sounds like Eddie Van Halen. Pro musician Vinnie DeMasi explains a little of the magic to his technique.
“Stairway To Heaven” Vs. “Taurus”…Again
The legal battle over whether “Stairway to Heaven” ripped off another song is on once again. A musician friend of ours takes a look at the musical argument.
“Restrung,” the Movie: The Pain and Pleasure of Going “All In”
What does it take to be great? Not “great” in the sense of Abe Lincoln or Michelangelo, but just great at something. Ask luthier Randall Fullmer.