It’s About Time: Uncommon Song Time Signatures in Rock Music
The Beatles may not have known how to read music, but they sure knew how to work its fundamentals to make hit songs. And they weren’t alone. Learn the secret behind some of the most addictive songs in rock.
Sting’s “The Dream of the Blue Turtles”: A Bridge Between Pop and Jazz
Heavy-hitters Branford Marsalis, Darryl Jones, and Omar Hakim helped Sting mesh “rock star” with “jazz artist.”
The Police: 5 Songs That Should’ve Been Singles
Sting and company could have had more radio hits with songs like “O My God” and “Next to You.”
10 Albums that Defined Being a Teen in the ‘80s
If you were a teen three decades ago, chances are you listened to classic 1980s albums like “Purple Rain,” “Appetite for Destruction,” and “Rio.”
“Stop and Pull Over” Songs – Part Deux
Then again, some say, “A good song doesn’t make you pull over. It makes you want to drive faster!”