
Cool Foods for the Festive Season (Think Bacon)

Mouth Foods Bacon Variety Pack

Bacon isn’t some trendy, here-today-gone-tomorrow craze. To the contrary, this flavor has been popular for eons even if it has only earned the respect it deserves of late. And while there are a few bacon variations that we’re willing to skip — like bacon-flavored beers and bacon-scented air fresheners — there are many more that we’d like to try. In fact, the savvy food curators at Mouth Foods have pulled together a particularly mouth-watering batch of bacon-flavored goodies, such as Black Pig Meat Co.’s bacon-toffee pig-headed lollipop, Roni-Sue’s bacon-caramel popcorn, and Unbound’s hickory-smoked bacon dill pickles, among other delectables. To see more of this perfect pack of pork, check out Bring Home the Bacon at We know you’re achin’ for bacon now. Do it.

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– The CS Team

PS. For more mouth-watering food ideas, check out our posts Extra Crispy: The Champions of Breakfast and Nothin’ Says Lovin’ Like Something from the Oven.

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