
What Your Dog Understands and 6 Other Cool “Under the Radar” NPR Stories

French Bulldog Public Domain

This newest audio playlist has a heavy dose of science-related stories but don’t be scared off… They are pretty cool and not that science-y. In a past edition, I talked about my son’s early interest in space… Well here’s another young guy like that who actually started working with NASA at age 14. The others are about a baseball batter’s brain, how your dog understands more than you may like, and a smart farmer story. For balance, there’s also a funny country western singer and a dark story about assassinations. Click on the title below if you’re ready to learn more!

1. Surfers and Scientists Team up to Create the “Perfect Wave”

2. The Curious Deaths of Kremlin Critics

3. Nashville’s New Country Cousin

4. With Water in Short Supply, One California Farmer Grows Feed Indoors

5. How a Baseball Batter’s Brain Reacts to a Fast Pitch

6. A Teen Might Pick the Landing Site for NASA’s Next Mars Rover

7. Who’s a Good Girl? Your Dog, Who Understands More Than You Might Think

I now feel terrible for all the things I have said about my dog when she was right there. What a jerk I am! If I apologize, will she understand me?  And if she does, will she think I’m apologizing because I don’t want her to be mad, not because I really mean it? Does this sound familiar?

Tim Braine

Photo Credit: Public domain image of dog.

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Tim Braine has had a long career as the executive producer of an eclectic collection of TV shows including sports, animated comedy, celebrity gossip, wildlife adventure, and the history of technology. Whether this variety is due to a wide range of talents or a lack of focus is hard to say, but he’s probably best described as a “generalist.” He is currently working on a non profit venture to assist the New York City subway system, but still has enough time to march up and down the Hudson River listening to public radio programs, which is how a generalist entertains himself.

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