5 Reasons “Gilmore Girls” Isn’t Just for Girls
Thanks to Netflix, the Gilmore Girls are back on TV for the first time since 2007. Here are 5 reasons you should catch up with Lorelai & Rory.
7 Reasons Tatiana Maslany Needs to Win the Emmy
She may be considered a long shot to win an Emmy for her work on “Orphan Black,” but Tatiana Maslany and her multiple characters deserve to be recognized.
A Sex Comedy for Our Times
Gay man and straight girl become best friends. In the web series “The Benefits of Gusbandry,” this familiar story is more modern and a lot more edgy.
Zootopia: A Kids Movie With Lessons for Us All
Disney’s “Zootopia” is a wonderful animated film for many reasons, but the way it tackles prejudice along with gender and race issues is truly admirable.
“Horace and Pete”: Where Everybody Calls You Names
What can you buy with $5 anymore? A couple of gallons of gas, a fancy cappuccino, a lottery ticket or, perhaps, an episode…