Sometimes It Really Is Better to Fade Away
We don’t think twice when we hear songs fade-out these days. But when did the fade-out first get used? This musical strategy has a long history.
The List of Mystifying Hits
Everyone knows a song or two with lyrics that defy logic. Let the debate begin over which ones belong on this list of hard-to-explain hits.
It Never Gets Easier, and I Don’t Understand
It was a hit way back in 1971, but more than 40 years later, it’s hard to see how the bizarre song “Once You Understand” was ever popular.
Sexiness Is Next to Godliness
Prince was not shy about being a religious man. And he also wasn’t shy about sex and sexuality, which were very much a part of his songs.
Music and Recording: A Wild 100 Years or So
From musicians standing around one mic to multi-track digital recording, the way music is captured has certainly changed. Has it changed us, too?