Charlie Gracie: He Beat Elvis to The Punch
Teenager Charlie Gracie was an early pioneer whose name may not be so familiar. But he likely beat Elvis to the first rockabilly record.
Thom Bell: He Rang In the Hits
Thom Bell has been called “the black Burt Bacharach” — and for very good reason. The string of hits he’s written and produced is impressive.
Four American Cities Defined By The Music
American music is fed by a thousand different streams emanating from different cities around the country. Here are just four of them.
When the Grammys Weigh in on the Movies…
Classic movie songs like “Somewhere Out There,” “Streets of Philadelphia,” and “Let the River Run” are among the 10 best to win Grammys.
If You Can’t Get Down, Get Up
Alice Cohen is having a genuine career as an artist in several media: from pop music near-stardom to intricate stop-motion animations.