Magical Mystery Tour: Some “Mysteries” Solved
“Magical Mystery Tour” was a rare misstep by the Beatles. But the music saved the project from becoming a total bust. Here’s how it went down.
Dr. John (1941-2019)
No matter where he was, or when it was, for the late Dr. John, it was always Mardi Gras in New Orleans. A tribute.
Joy Division’s “Unknown Pleasures” At 40
With only two albums, Joy Division left a massive imprint on music. “Unknown Pleasures” was the starting point.
James Taylor Is A “One Man Band”
James Taylor is an American treasure. A new vinyl release by Craft Recordings of an exceptional live show reminds us all of how great he remains.
The Fifth Dimension: The Age of Aquarius At 50
The Fifth Dimension created an anthem for 1969 with “Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In.” Our interview with founder LaMonte McLemore reflects the influence of the song 50 years later.