“Easy Rider” At 50: The Soundtrack
“Easy Rider” was groundbreaking as a movie. So was the soundtrack. On its 50th anniversary, here’s the backstory.
The NASA Playlist: A Different Kind of Moon Rock
The guys at NASA mission control have a fun side-job: Morning DJs for the astronauts high above us. From U2 to Bowie to Elton John, here are some of their spot-on choices.
Three Ways to Celebrate Steppenwolf’s 50th Anniversary
A massive three-disc compilation celebrates 50 years of John Kay and Steppenwolf’s classic rock. And you might be surprised at some of the deep-cut versions of favorites like “Magic Carpet Ride.”
Happy 50th Birthday to 5 Unforgettable Rock Debuts
Creedence, James Taylor and Deep Purple are all celebrating a big anniversary!
Born to Be Wild – Again
This Super Bowl commercial directed by the Coen brothers pits bikers versus a Mercedes driver, set to Steppenwolf’s hit “Born to Be Wild.”