
If You’re Not a Farmer or Eight Years Old, Can You Wear Overalls?

If you’re reading this, chances are you are, let’s just say, a “grownup.” That being the case, you’ve probably asked yourself the “Am I Too Old to…” question by now. In our never-ending quest to explore this weighty issue, our intrepid host, Maddie Corman, once again takes to the streets to explore … overalls.  Are they cute on someone of a “certain age”?  Should they stay in your kid’s closet or remain the functional fashion staple of the farmer? Alright, we know this is not an existential dilemma for most folks, but it does get at a larger issue — as you’ll see from the remarkably kind, candid responses.

Editor’s Note: Click here to watch every episode of Am I Too Old to.. with Maddie Corman.

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