“God Said Give ‘Em Drum Machines”
Although a lot of folks think “Europe” when they hear the word “techno,” its roots are in Motown. A new documentary tells the story.
Four American Cities Defined By The Music
American music is fed by a thousand different streams emanating from different cities around the country. Here are just four of them.
The Romantics: The 80s in Two Songs
The Romantics gave the 80s a couple of memorable hits. But their story — and their music — is a whole lot more than what we saw on MTV.
Nick Piunti: Power-Pop’s Best-Kept Secret
Nick Piunti is taking power-pop to a new level. In his new album, you’ll hear echoes of The Raspberries, Beatles, Matthew Sweet and more.
Funkadelic at 50: “Mommy, What’s A Funkadelic?”
It was 50 years ago that Funkadelic gave us a first listen to their mashup of soul, funk, and psychedelia. A look back at their cosmically-drenched debut.