Is Tony Clifton Really Andy Kaufman?
Andy Kaufman was famous for some of the weirder comic bits. So was this cheesy lounge singer one of them? Or is Tony Clifton a real person?
Comic Books: The Impact On the Culture
Comic books are often dismissed as “kid stuff.” They’ve had a much deeper impact on art, books, and movies than you’d imagine.
When Really Funny Stuff Slips Through The Cracks
Bit Comedy, our latest “website of the week,” is a place where comedians of all kinds can get more exposure and talk about the comedic process.
Putting the “Novel” in Graphic Novel
In the world of comics, superheroes don’t always have super depth. But in the “Starman” series, writer James Robinson makes sure his title characters does.
One Less Cooke in the Kitchen
The world of comics has lost a talented writer and artist. Darwyn Cooke had a big impact on many of the DC Comics characters known and loved worldwide.